Complete Guide: Home Tuition in Malaysia

All you need to know before hire a home tutor and how to get started.

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Home Tuition, A Premium Tuition Choice

Do you think your children are doing well enough in school? According to a survey, 30% parents and 65% of Chinese parents sent their kids to nearby tuition centres.

However, do you think your children can learn more in an overcrowded tuition class?

In urban areas, more and more parents are trying their best to give their children a better education so that they have a good head-start in their life.

Home tuition is one of the most common yet effective ways to achieve this.

Compared to conventional tuition centres, home tuition is still a less regulated education industry.

There are many ways to find a nearby home tutor, such as through local recommendation, via social media or through a home tuition agency like GoLearn.

However, getting good home tuition services could be a challenge.

Most of the time, the relationship is between you, the parent and the home tutor. Some of the concerns from parents:

  • Is the home tutor academically qualified?
  • What is their background?
  • How do I know if the home tuition is effective?
  • Can I trust the tutor?
  • What should I do if I wish to stop or change a tutor?
  • What is the home tuition rate?

There pro and con of getting your children home tuition is still much to be debated.

In order to understand if home tuition is your best option, here are major things to look at before you proceed to hire a home tutor.

Home Tuition

Is your children getting enough support and attention for their school work?

Some children are smart and they are able to catch up with their school syllabus and able to complete their homework independently.

However, some might be lagging behind.

When your children face problems in their studies, are you or their elder siblings able to help them?

Is their school teacher willing to lend a hand to discuss with them after class?

If they’re currently in a tuition centre, is the tuition teacher willing to help them

If any of the people with the knowledge is able to guide them, it  would be helpful for them to master the particular subject.

However, if there isn’t anyone who can spare time helping your children in their studies, you should consider getting a home tuition for them.

Do not let them cope with the obstacles on their own, especially on studies as it would cause slow progress and develop fear in future learning.

When you consider home tuition service, you are getting an experienced home tutor who gives your children 100% of attention in a 1-to-1 session.

Each home tutor is well-versed in particular syllabus and subject.

Hiring a home tutor is like getting a person that your child can rely on, and they can directly get clarification on any questions.

One of the benefits of home tuition is that your children can have their school syllabus revised and get exam focused revision before real examination.

Is your children’s current school work and time commitments allowed?

Certain schools may have school events that are compulsory for students to attend or have extra classes outside of school hours.

Some active students may join clubs and societies in school.

If you children are having a hectic week, home tuition can be burdening for them.

Do remember that your kids need sufficient rest and play time to balance out the stress accumulated during school.

To make sure home tuition is effective, you need to ensure your children have a flexible and manageable schedule.

Although some home tutors are okay to adjust their schedule, if your children are not able to attend home tuition lessons consistently on a weekly basis, it would be less impactful.

You need to ensure home tuition sessions are conducted at least once a week in order to keep up with the pace, do practices on what they have learnt in school and prepare the home tuition lesson accordingly.

It is important to let your home tutor know your kids’ progress so they are able to support their studies.

Are your children really ready for home tuition?

Some kids are very resistant to home tuition.

Experienced home tutors know how to make a lesson fun, engaging and enjoyable with different teaching methods and learning materials.

However if you children reject learning, the home tuition session is not going to be effective in the long run.

Do get your children thought and understand what they really need first, before you decide to go for home tuition.

By understanding your kids’ worries and setting the right learning goal, it’s easier for your children to be benefited from home tuition.

A Girl is Studying in a Quiet Room with decent Lighting

What should I Know before I Get a Home Tuition Service? 8 Must Know Tips

Parents are spending a relatively higher amount for exclusive lessons with an experienced home tutor, with the hope their children would improve in their studies.

But is it worth it? How do you know if you would pick the right one?

Here are 8 tips you should know before you hire a home tutor.

1. Look for an Alternative Option

2. Clearly know your Objective

3. Check the tutor’s Credibility

4. Get the Ratings and Reviews of A Tutor

5. Compare the Tuition Rate

6. Ask for A Trial Class

7. Monitor the Tutor’s Attitude and Action

8. Set Average Expectation


1. Look for an Alternative Option

Before jumping straight to home tuition, there are free options out there that could be helpful you’re your children.

This includes getting help from school teachers, learning from peers at school and attending a learning seminar or workshop conducted by school or external party.

A small group tutoring, live online class or enroll in a tuition center are few paid options.

If the suggestions above don’t meet your expectations, then home tuition is probably your choice.

Before your hire one, make sure you

2. Know your Objective

Understand if you are looking for a

short term performance goal to boost your children academic performance

in a short period of time or looking far for a

medium-long term learning goal that focuses on building strong basic understanding about a subject.

If you need your enhanced practice in order to pass a test or to get into a college, a performance goal is your choice.

But you have to be aware of the pitfalls and your children may have to pay a huge price in future.

Learning goals should be the priority as it will lead to a way better performance in the long run.

Before you hire a home tutor,

3. Check the tutor’s Credibility

Make sure you know a home tutor personally and his/her teaching style.

If you found a tutor online, try to get comments from other parents who deal with him/her before or to check if he/she has recent involvement in conducting home tuition.

If you were assigned a home tutor from an agency like GoLearn or other, make sure you check the background of that tutor by asking the agency.

GoLearn is a professional agency that provides home tuition services for parents for free.

To add extra confident toward a home tutor,

4. Get the Ratings and Reviews of A Tutor

Always look for the ratings and past comments of a particular home tutor.

There’s nothing wrong being a stalker.

When you get a tutor from a home tuition service provider, you can request the resume of the tutor or a written review from the agency itself.

Another things that a wise parents always do is to 

5. Compare the Tuition Rate

Home tuition fee varies according to a tutor’s qualification and teaching experiences.

Special requirements from parents, city, distance to your house, increase in tutoring hours, add extra subjects and so on will incur additional cost.

You can check the tuition rate in Malaysia to understand the market rate.

6. Ask for A Trial Class

To understand if the home tuition service provided is effective or not, spare some time to arrange a trial class  with the home tutor.

Then, join the live tutoring session with your child and conduct an evaluation on the tutor’s personality, communication with your child and teaching style.

After the lesson, ask your child if he/she feels comfortable when learning with the tutor and able to catch up with the lesson.

Once you’re done, I assure you’ll have a clear picture if you would hire the tutor or not.

7. Monitor the Tutor’s Attitude and Action

Some tutor may show enthusiasm during trial class, but the spirit gradually reduces as time passes.

If you watch closely, you can identify a significant difference between tutor who are passionate about teaching and tutor who treat teaching as a part-time job.

You can easily feel how they deliver a lesson and communicate with your child.

When your children do something awesome, does the home tutor complement them by saying “Well done!” and continue with the next topic? Does the tutor ask follow-up questions to see if they really get the answer right?

A good home tutor will always ensure your children fully master a topic before moving to the next.

When your children make a mistake, does the tutor tell him/her that it was a mistake and show them the correct answer? Or does the tutor try to understand why your child answered it that way?

A good home tutor sees mistakes as an opportunity for improvement.

Instead of pampering them with answers, they take time to explain the problem and make sure the misconception cleared-up.

Last but not least, 

8. Set Average Expectation

Every child has their own learning style and pace.

Allocating too much home tuition sessions per week can actually become a stressful matter and impact negatively on your children.

Another fact you should know is that an experienced tutor usually has their own way of teaching, but it isn’t necessarily effective on every child.

Irrelevant expectations when it comes to meet your own performance goal could stress out both the home tutor and your child.

Be mindful and let the learning flow naturally.

Check out the 8 things to consider before you hire a tutor for your children in greater detail.

Home Tuition Rate in Malaysia

Home tuition or online tuition hourly rate depends on the level of education and tutor’s qualification and experiences.

The fee varies according to parents’ requirements, tutoring location, the experience of the tutor, the number of subjects to be taught and so on.

Sometimes, it may be frustrating as most home tuition agencies do not quote their tuition rate publicly.

It is important that you check the current home tuition rate and make sure you are paying the market rate.

Home Tuition Fee Malaysia

How to Get Started with Home Tuition?

Congratulations as you successfully reach here! This means you’re highly interested to get a home tuition service. 

There is no compromise when it comes to education.

A good education helps your children gain advantages in their early age.

“Rome is not built in a day, same goes to learning.”

If you have made up your mind to hire a home tutor or an online private tutor, the easiest way is to get one from GoLearn. We are a professional agency that finds the best home tuition in Malaysia for parents for FREE. Contact us directly if you’ve any additional questions.

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