English Education: Why is it important to youths?

english dictionary

Is English education important? Of course! Imagine a roti canai without egg, it will be called roti canai kosong! Just like you without an English education.

You won’t be able to communicate with your English-speaking friends, or foreigners all around the world! It opens doors to a world of opportunities both personally and professionally, allowing communication to be effective and enabling you to fully participate in a globalized society.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why English education is crucial for youths, from accessing simple information on the internet, to how English can make someone think critically.

1. Access to Information

Around 1.5 billion people around the world speak English. A number of historical factors play a part in this, remarkably the colonialism influence of the British Empire and also the United States of America’s business monopoly. 

Try searching for things that are happening in the world currently. If  you search using Malay language, Google will only show you local news like Berita Awani, Bernama and MalaysiaKini. But if you use the English language, Google will also show you international news like Bloomberg, The New York Times, and many more!

Search in English

Search in Malay

This means that the vast majority of information available online, from news articles to research papers, is written in English. Without a solid grasp of the language, access to information is critical, and English plays a vital role in enabling youths to stay informed and fully engaged in the digital age.

2. Study Opportunities

English is important when applying for universities as well as the majority of the courses offered by higher education institutions are taught in English. Not only that, the Malaysian University English Test (MUET), is used to evaluate one’s English proficiency before getting accepted into universities in Malaysia. Depending on the course picked, the general requirement to enter public universities in Malaysia is Band 2. 

In addition to that, foreign universities especially English-speaking universities require their students to sit for International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) before accepting international students. 


Furthermore, being able to communicate effectively in English allows students to engage in meaningful discussions and debates, collaborate with others, and expand their social and professional networks. 

3. Cultural Exchange

As the most spoken language, English allows for communication and understanding across borders and cultures. Ever dreamt of traveling to the United States of America? Or maybe the United Kingdom? You cannot if you cannot understand English!


With English, connecting with people from different cultures, ethnicities, and traditions all around the world is made possible, and will help our youths to have a better understanding of what is happening on the other side of the world and step out of their comfort zone. 

This can widen their perspectives on things, and increase their knowledge of cultures all over the world.

4. Career Advancement & Opportunities

The importance of English can be seen when many multinational companies hire employees with English proficiency as they use English as their primary language of communication. Being fluent in English means that you will be able to communicate clearly and effectively with others. In the business world, English helps to understand common business terms.

There are many career advantages to becoming fluent in English. You can create compelling job applications, communicate effectively with colleagues, and even use them in pitch decks.

5. Personal Development & Skills

As mentioned earlier, almost every piece of information on the internet is in English, and so are many academic programs and online courses. Coursera and Udemy for example, most of the training modules are written in English.

The Hanen Centre mentioned in their article that language and critical thinking grow together and nurture each other’s development. This proves that learning English is rewarding to help youths develop critical thinking skills, which is crucial for their future self.

kid thinking

Moreover, learning English can boost their self-confidence, helping them fight their anxiety and fear of public speaking.


In summary, English education is important as it provides youths with a valuable tool to express themselves and connect with others on a deeper level and empowers them to navigate the complexities of our increasingly interconnected world with confidence and understanding.

By mastering the language, they can share their unique perspectives, ideas, and culture with the world, and also learn from others. It also enables them to communicate with friends and family members who may be living abroad, opening up a world of possibilities for personal growth and connection. 

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