Premium Subjects Plan

Grow your tutoring service with us. Choose your plan now.

Ensure you enter the phone number that you used to login to your tutor account.


Can I use GoLearn for free?

Yes, you can use all the features offered on GoLearn platform for free and create your own classes  for free. Once you’re ready to take on your tutoring services seriously, you can upgrade to the plan that best fits your needs.

Can I cancel my yearly subscription?

Yes, you may cancel your subscription recurring payments at all times, it will remain active until its next renewal date. Payments for subscriptions are non-refundable.

How parents find me?

Parents can discover you through your public profile. When you applied our tuition job, we will present them your profile too.
GoLearn is free to use. You may treat it as your professional profile like LinkedIn

What happens to my premium subject classes if I downgrade or cancel my subscription?

You will still have access to your account and classes. Your excess premium subjects classes  links will be turned private. No one will have access to view them

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