Sains Komputer Tuition fees depend on the your budget, subject you requested, the tutor's qualifications & experiences, and the city you currently live in.
Check out the latest recommended Sains Komputer tutoring rate in Malaysia.
Once you've requested, the Sains Komputer online home tutors will contact you to further verify your requirements.
All you need to do is prepare for the first Sains Komputer lesson.
Note: If the Sains Komputer online teachers do not responded to you after 48 hours, GoLearn will get in touch with you to find you a few suitable tutors that suit your child's needs.
We treat the credibility of our Sains Komputer online teachers profiles very seriously. All suspicious tutor applications or profiles with missing information are immediately investigated and blacklisted.
For tutees who wish to personally verify their tutor's qualifications and identity, you may request that the tutor bring their relevant certificates on the 1st lesson at your house. (We do not to send online documents to protect the privacy of our tutor).
You can choose to pay the SPM Sains Komputer tuition fees to your tutor directly or to GoLearn every month. Usually, the fee is collected before the end of a month.
Do take note that our services are completely FREE for you. You are aware that paying your tuition fees on time is important to your tutor so they can continuously provide the best education. There are no additional / hidden fees you need to pay to GoLearn.
Example: Mrs Alice hires tutor Jane to teach Sains Komputer at her house in Petaling Jaya for RM50/hour, 1.5 hour per lesson at 1 lesson per week. After attending two lessons, Mrs Alice transfers RM300 to tutor Jane, assuming there are four weeks in that month. The arrangement made between Mrs Alice and tutor Jane is to pay every 2nd week of a month via bank transfer
All our Sains Komputer online teachers in Malaysia are rated honestly by the parents or students they taught on a scale from 0 to 5. We guarantee all reviews came from real persons.
View all our top-rated Sains Komputer Online Tutors tutor in Malaysia!
If you face further difficulties with your Sains Komputer online home tutors in Malaysia, please feedback to us immediately. If you already confirmed to continue with a tutor, the minimum commitment is 1 month / 4 lessons after attending his/her trial class and must pay for all 'Sains Komputer' lessons conducted.
If you wish get expert recommendation, send us a free request today!